In a remarkable turn of events, the Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) achieved a significant milestone as its All-Share Index (ASI) surged to an unprecedented level of...
By Dipo Olowookere Renewed appetite for local stocks raised the All-Share Index (ASI) of the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited above 66,000 points on Monday. Business Post...
By Dipo Olowookere The bearish sentiment and profit-taking witnessed at the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited in the past few days continued as the domestic bourse closed...
By Dipo Olowookere Trading activities on the floor of the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited closed bullish on Friday, with investor sentiment remaining strong as a result...
By Dipo Olowookere For the second straight trading session, the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited finished in the positive territory, growing by 1.55 per cent on Thursday....
By Dipo Olowookere The Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited suffered a 1.10 per cent loss on Monday, July 31, 2023, as a result of sustained profit-taking, especially...
By Dipo Olowookere The Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited seems to be on the fast lane and ready to crush any stray bears that attempt to slow...
By Dipo Olowookere The Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited further grew by 1.61 per cent on Monday, pushing the All-Share Index (ASI) closer to the 62,000-point threshold....
By Dipo Olowookere After several attempts, the Nigerian stock market finally crossed the 60,000-point barrier on Tuesday after it closed higher by 1.30 per cent. It...
By Dipo Olowookere Investors are beginning to have confidence in the domestic stock market as the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited appreciated by 0.95 per cent on...