Union Bank Advocates Sustainable Environmental Practices

June 19, 2024
Sustainable Environmental Practices

By Aduragbemi Omiyale

A foremost financial institution in Nigeria, Union Bank, has re-echoed its call for the adoption of sustainable environmental practices for the preservation and restoration of the global habitat.

The lender, while speaking at the Lekki Conservation Centre in Lagos on June 5, 2024, through its Head of Citizenship and Sustainability, Ms Patricia Iwhewhe, reemphasised the importance of preserving the environment.

At the event organised in partnership with the Nigerian Conservation Foundation to commemorate this year’s World Environment Day, she said, “Land degradation and erosion are not things stakeholders and policymakers can afford to ignore or gloss over.”

“We all must get involved in helping restore and reclaim parts of our environment badly impacted by deforestation and desertification.

“Union Bank, as a sustainability champion committed to the preservation of our dear planet, appreciates and recognises the responsibility we have as humanity to look after our environment.

“We will continue to support and participate in programs dedicated to protecting and enriching our precious habitat,” the banker added.

The programme brought together various stakeholders, including environmental rights activists, international partner agencies, corporate institutions, government agencies, and students of select secondary schools, to deliberate and engage in activities marking World Environment Day.

One of the main events on the day was a tree-planting exercise involving various participants and stakeholder representatives.

The tree-planting activity was in keeping with this year’s celebration theme Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience, advocating for the rejuvenation and revitalisation of land devastated by deforestation, erosion, and desertification globally and in Nigeria in particular.

Aduragbemi Omiyale

Aduragbemi Omiyale is a journalist with Business Post Nigeria, who has passion for news writing. In her leisure time, she loves to read.

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