Peter Obi Tackles Tinubu on Nigeria’s Worsening Economic Situation

June 21, 2024
peter obi tinubu

By Adedapo Adesanya

The presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the last general election, Mr Peter Obi, has challenged President Bola Tinubu to get to work and improve the economic situation in the country.

Mr Obi, who came third in the 2023 presidential election, reminded Mr Tinubu that although poverty is not peculiar to Nigeria, it was not in good taste for him to trivialise the situation.

The former Governor of Anambra State charged President Tinubu to face the reality that Nigeria is the poverty capital of the world and the most insecure people.

“The problems facing Nigeria are well-known to all Nigerians. We are the poverty capital of the world, among the most insecure people on earth, among the hungriest, have poor education quality and the highest number of out-of-school children, high infant mortality, corruption, unemployment, the highest income gap between the poor and the rich, high corruption perception index, infrastructure and healthcare challenges, and more.

“It’s disheartening to hear those in charge, who were hired to address our problems, make statements like we are not the only ones struggling with poverty and hunger. Instead of merely acknowledging that other countries face similar challenges, we need to hear a thorough plan of action to tackle our unique struggles.

“We require concrete solutions and a clear vision to address these issues, not comparisons that downplay our circumstances. I urge those in leadership positions to offer tangible solutions, not mere reminders that others face similar challenges.

“We need a comprehensive approach to tackle our specific challenges, not generalizations that dismiss our experiences.

“A true leader provides direction, guidance, solutions, and reassurance in times of crisis. This is the hallmark of visionary leadership and a trait of nations making progress and advancing their development.

“They don’t simply state the obvious but offer a roadmap for overcoming obstacles. Just like a pilot, who doesn’t just announce turbulence; they assure passengers that they will do everything possible to ensure a safe journey.“Only then can we begin to trust that our country is in capable hands, working towards a brighter future for all Nigerians,” Mr Obi stated in a statement on his X handle.

Adedapo Adesanya

Adedapo Adesanya is a journalist, polymath, and connoisseur of everything art. When he is not writing, he has his nose buried in one of the many books or articles he has bookmarked or simply listening to good music with a bottle of beer or wine. He supports the greatest club in the world, Manchester United F.C.

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