Music Wrecks, Rhythm of Destruction & Drugs in Friable Communities


By Nneka Okumazie

It is possible to borrow intelligence from another and adapt it or relay it towards progress. This, seen with books, recommendations, studies, good information and more, supports the structure of a know-how world.

It is also possible to borrow dumbness, bad information, etc. from another – for worse, and much.

There is external information and there is some brilliant information that some are able to internally generate, that when they share, bears progress.

Information has a spectrum – some of the lightness while others carry feelings, emotion, captivation, etc.

Though other forms exist, art is a major way to express information.

Art could design information – without looking like information.

One major form of high effect art is music. Music is not just words in motion, but words in motion carrying a connection.

There are songs that anyone would hear, and wait. There are songs that drive action.

Music – it seems engineers with something in the brain, causing ease of moving motor.

But music can also be very dangerous – getting listeners carried away until arrival at lost.

Music – fun and entertaining can also create a channel with which many get worse.

There are societies that certain people can listen to any kind of music and carry on working OK, but there are fragile societies that with vulgar songs, or those promoting street slang, drugs, violence, grim remarks, etc. it leads more and more people to ruin.

It is nearly impossible to police music, as many think music is to give what people want and make money.

But that demand assumption is the problem. Some want nonsense – beats and gibberish, with a wreck as an outcome.

Quality of music is important, not the quality of videos for the music of nonsense.

It is possible to create or promote ideology with music. It is also easy to control behaviour with music.

The power that music people have can determine a lot for listeners – depending on their existing societal strength. Nonsense music for people who need development would lead to more illiteracy, anarchy, overdose, poverty, etc.

Just like desire can be good, some desires are tragedies in their beginning, before maturity to catastrophe. Many of many songs in many places are a tragedy for the people.

[Hosea 4:11, Fornication, and wine, and drunkenness take away the understanding.]

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