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2023 Presidential Election: Obasanjo Endorses Peter Obi



Obasanjo endorses Peter Obi

By Modupe Gbadeyanka

Former president Olusegun Obasanjo has thrown his weight behind the presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the 2023 election, Mr Peter Obi.

The Ota farmer, in a letter to the nation today, said the former Governor of Anambra State has the sincerity to move the country forward.

He appealed to the youths to reject politicians who are after their selfish interests and take back the country from them, stressing that power must change hands.

“None of the contestants is a saint, but when one compares their character, antecedent, understanding, knowledge, discipline and vitality that they can bring to bear and the great efforts required to stay focused on the job, particularly looking at where the country is today and with the experience on the job that I personally had, Peter Obi as a mentee has an edge,” Mr Obasanjo said in the letter.

He said the youths must retire the old politicians, noting that in the past, youths were the leaders of the country.

“I became Head of State at 39, and at 42, I had retired into the farm. When it was considered necessary, I was drafted back into active political life after twenty years of interregnum. I came back at 62, and by 70, I was on my way out.

“Others like General Gowon and Enahoro became national leaders at 33 and 27, respectively and General Gowon at the helms of the leadership of Nigeria at the highest level. The vigour, energy, agility, dynamism and outreach that the job of leadership of Nigeria requires at the very top may not be provided by a septuagenarian or older. I know that from personal experience,” the former Nigerian leader stated.

“And you, the youth, it is your time and your turn. ‘Eyin Lokan’ (Your turn). The power to change is in your hands. Your future, my future, and the future of grandchildren and great-grandchildren are in your hands. Politics and elections are number games. You have the numbers, get up, stand up and make your numbers count,” he declared.

Read the full letter below:

Dear Compatriots and Friends,


Happy New Year! May all our national calamities disappear this year.

I am constrained to write this letter to all Nigerians especially young Nigerians, friends of Nigeria globally as well as our development partners because of the gravity, responsibility and implications of the collective decision Nigerians, both young and old, will be making within the next two months.

The last seven and a half years have no doubt been eventful and stressful years for many Nigerians. We have moved from frying pan to fire and from mountain top to the valley. Our leaders have done their best, but their best had turned out to be not the best for Nigeria and Nigerians at home and abroad. For most Nigerians, it was hell on earth.

Those of us who are alive should thank God for His mercies, brace ourselves for the remaining few months of this administration and pray and work very hard for an immediate better future – future of liberation, restoration and great hope and expectation.

We have had campaigners going up and down the country feeding us with what they mean and what they do not mean, what they understand and what they do not fully understand, what is possible and what is not possible, what is realistic and what is unrealistic, what is true and what is untrue. I believe that we need not be confused nor be gullible. Let us be cautious, not to be fooled again.

I have interacted with the major contestants and I find it interesting that, in one form or the other, each of them claims to want to do what I did during my Presidency and to take Nigeria back to where it was at the height of my Presidency and immediately after. I was pained that most of them do not realise that the Nigeria of today had been dragged down well below Nigeria of the beginning of my Presidency in June 1999. Although at that time, Nigeria was in very bad shape and was tottering on the verge of collapse and break-up. Even then, Nigeria was not faced with the level of pervasive and mind-numbing insecurity, rudderless leadership, buoyed by mismanagement of diversity and pervasive corruption, bad economic policies resulting in extremes of poverty and massive unemployment and galloping inflation.

For these reasons, I kept pointing out to them that the instruments used in 1999 to 2007 and methodology used will grossly be inadequate for the perilous situation we now find ourselves. Without prejudice but with greatest respect to each individual with utmost regard for the best for Nigeria and all Nigerians and from my personal experience, all the major contestants claim to be my mentees. I will not deny such positions since I have worked with all of them directly and indirectly in government.

I have come to realise a number of factors in character, attributes and attitude that are necessary in the job of directing the affairs of Nigeria successfully and at a time like this. These characteristics or attributes are many but let us be mindful of some key ones together.

From interaction and experience, and as mentees as most of them claim, I will, without prejudice, fear or ill-will, make bold to say that there are four major factors to watch out for in a leader you will consider to hoist on yourself and on the rest of Nigerians in the coming election and they are what I call TVCP: Track record of ability and performance; Vision that is authentic, honest and realistic; Character and attributes of a lady and a gentleman who are children of God and obedient to God; and Physical and mental capability with soundness of mind as it is a very taxing and tasking assignment at the best of times and more so it is at the most difficult time that we are.

Let me say straight away that ‘Emi Lokan’ (My turn) and ‘I have paid my dues’ are one and the same thing and are wrong attitude and mentality for the leadership of Nigeria now. They cannot form the new pedestal to reinvent and to invest in a new Nigeria based on an All-Nigeria Government for the liberation and restoration of Nigeria. Such a government must have representation from all sectors of our national life – public, private, civil society, professional, labour, employers, and the diaspora. The solution should be in ‘we’ and ‘us’ and not in ‘me’ and ‘I’.

Mind you, I reiterate that no human being is an angel let alone a Messiah, but there are elements of these attributes and on comparative basis and by measure of what we know of, and what some of us have experienced from the front-runners, we must assess judiciously and choose wisely. If anybody claims he or she has anything to the contrary, it will be up to him or her to prove to us.

I pray not to be proved right again in the bad sense but rather to be proved right in the positive and glorious sense of Nigeria becoming what God had created it to be – a land of plenty and prosperity united for common purpose of inclusive society, common security, shared prosperity, equity, egalitarianism, justice, and equal stake in the Project Nigeria with leadership role of Nigeria for the black race and fair share of global division of labour.

One ridiculous point that has been touted to justify unjustifiable appointments and selections is ‘competence’. In truth and in reality, genuine competence can be found in any region or section of Nigeria through track record and performance if only people will honestly and sincerely look hard for people with such attainment and attribute. Most of us in good conscience can testify to competence when we see any anywhere. What is masqueraded as ‘competence’ is self-interest and nepotism.

We have a unique opportunity to correct ourselves by ourselves for the good of ourselves. Those who are preaching division, segregation, separation, and want to use diversity for their own self and selfish interest are enemies of the nation, no matter what else they may disguisedly profess or proclaim.

The Challenge Is For Nigerian Youth:

If we fall prey again, we will have ourselves to blame and no one can say how many more knocks Nigeria can take before it tips over. To be forewarned is to be fore-armed. Future is not emotion. I challenge the youth to arise. Let nobody pull wool over your eyes to divide you and/or segregate you to make you underlings. Nigerian youth, wherever they come from, North or South, East or West need education which is now denied to over 20 million children; Nigerian youth also need skills, empowerment, employment, reasonably good living conditions, welfare and well-being.

My dear young men and women, you must come together and bring about a truly meaningful change in your lives. If you fail, you have no one else to blame. Your present and future are in your hands to make or to mar. The future of Nigeria is in the same manner in your hands and literally so. If for any reason you fail to redeem yourself and your country, you will have lost the opportunity for good and you will have no one to blame but yourselves and posterity will not forgive you. Get up, get together, get going and get us to where we should be. And you, the youth, it is your time and your turn. ‘Eyin Lokan’ (Your turn).

The power to change is in your hands. Your future, my future, the future of grandchildren and great grandchildren is in your hands. Politics and elections are numbers game. You have the numbers, get up, stand up and make your numbers count.

Let me say it again, loud and clear, Nigeria has no business with insecurity, poverty, insurgency, banditry, unemployment, hunger, debt, division and disunity. We are in these situations because advertently or inadvertently, our leaders have made the choices. They have done the best they could do. Let them take their rest deservedly or not and let them enjoy their retirement as Septuagenarians or older.

I became Head of State at 39 and at 42, I had retired into the farm. When it was considered necessary, I was drafted back into active political life after twenty years of interregnum. I came back at 62 and by 70, I was on my way out. Others like General Gowon and Enahoro became national leaders at 33 and 27 respectively and General Gowon at the helms of leadership of Nigeria at the highest level. The vigour, energy, agility, dynamism and outreach that the job of leadership of Nigeria requires at the very top may not be provided as a septuagenarian or older. I know that from personal experience. And it is glaring out of our current experiences. Otherwise, we will be fed with, “The President says” and we will neither see nor hear him directly as we should.

Yes, for some, age and physical and mental disposition are not in tandem. But where and when they are with obvious evidence, they must be taken into account for purpose of reality. And yet it is a job in our present situation where the team leader or captain of the team should be up and doing, outgoing inside and outside and speaking to the nation on almost daily basis visibly and as much as possible interactively and meeting his colleagues all over the world on behalf of Nigeria. Youth of Nigeria, your time has come, and it is now and please grasp it. If not now, it will be never. I appeal to you to turn the tide on its head and march forward chanting ‘Awa Lokan’ (Our turn) not with a sense of entitlement, but with a demonstrable ideological commitment to unity and transformation of Nigeria.

Leave The Past, Face The Future:

Can we let the past go? I appeal to the young Nigerians to stop inheriting other people’s prejudices and enemies. Make your own friends and stop inheriting your father’s enemies.

Let’s stop criminalizing and demonizing one another on the basis of the civil war on which we are all wrong. And let’s praise and thank God for preserving the oneness of Nigeria. The Scripture says that if God would take account of all our wrongdoings, nobody would be able to stand before Him. While not suffering from amnesia, let us stop still fighting and reacting to the civil war in our hearts, minds, heads and our attitude acrimoniously. Let’s stop living on our different wrongs or mistakes of the past: treasonable felony, Tiv riot and its handling, first military coup and its aftermath, second military coup, araba, pogrom and the civil war, all in the 1960s. And more recently OPC, Egbesu, MASSOB, IPOB, Boko Haram and banditry. No region can claim to be innocent or to be saintly. And no justification will suffice. In our respective individual or regional positions, we have done right and we have done wrong. It is therefore not right for any of us to be sanctimonious to see ourselves as saints and the rest as devils incarnate.

Just let us agree to move forward together in mutual forgiveness, one accord, inclusive society, equality and equity. Together and without bias and discrimination, fear or favour, we can have Nigeria of one nation in diversity, in truth and in practice. Let us honour, cherish, respect and even celebrate our diversity which is the basis of our potential greatness and strength.

If we will only continue to harp on wrongs done by each of us individually or collectively, we will never be able to stand together. If we will continue with wide brush to paint a national or sub-national group as bad and never to be trusted with leadership because of past error or mistakes that some of them were responsible for and treat their offspring as inheritors, it will amount to great injustice that will surely lead to no peace, no security and no stability for development and progress.

First, no group is faultless; second, for the greatness of the whole, we need one another as constituents of the whole; third, we cannot be talking and working for Africa’s integration and for Nigeria’s disintegration at the same time. Why for instance should I be stigmatized or despised because of my place of origin, place of birth or where I come from? Where I was born, by whom I was born and when I was born were not choices made by me. They were choices and prerogatives of God. Any antagonism against me on that basis is unfair and is tantamount to fighting against God, the Creator. Such derogatory attitude and mindset do not build any human institution let alone a nation.

While not forgetting the past, let us put the past behind us for it not to continue to mar our present and our future and that of the coming generation. We must rise above primordial animalistic instincts and behaviour. Yes, we are human and higher than animals in the wild. Let us develop national ethos and national characteristics that can take us collectively to the promised.

My dear young men and women, let me assure you that there are only two tribes of people in Nigeria a tribe of good people and a tribe of bad people. You are either a good Nigerian of Igbo extraction, Kanuri extraction, etc, or a bad Nigerian of Yoruba extraction, Ijaw extraction etc.

I will at this juncture want to commend the politicians as they have generally been reasonably civil in their campaigns without making politics as a call to war against opponents. Genuine and fair competition conveys greater legitimacy in any political rivalry or competition. A situation where people in authority and power assume such positions through foul and despicable means and continue to espouse and act in ways that only engender conflict or war by subverting legitimacy of power and authority does not augur well for the polity and as such, the moral foundation of the government and the society will be terribly weakened.

May God help, save, protect and sustain Nigeria for all Nigerians, for Africa and for the human race. We can only continue to play politics of ethnicity, religion, region and money bags at the peril of our country and to self-destruction. We need selfless, courageous, honest, patriotic, in short, outstanding leadership with character and fear of God beyond what we have had in recent past.

None of the contestants is a saint but when one compares their character, antecedent, their understanding, knowledge, discipline and vitality that they can bring to bear and the great efforts required to stay focused on the job particularly looking at where the country is today and with the experience on the job that I personally had, Peter Obi as a mentee has an edge. Others like all of us have what they can contribute to the new dispensation to liberation, restoration and salvaging of Nigeria collectively. One other important point to make about Peter is that he is a needle with thread attached to it from North and South and he may not get lost. In other words, he has people who can pull his ears, if and when necessary. Needless to say that he has a young and able running mate with clean track record of achievement both in public and private life.

In conclusion, I want to bring to our remembrance part of the great speech that Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa made on October 7, 1960, on the occasion of Nigeria being admitted as the 99th member of the United Nations:

“Cooperation is for each man to be true to his religious belief and to reaffirm the basic principles of his particular creed. It may be that, when we hear the world crying out for peace, we may receive the inspiration to deal with these intractable problems and be able to really devote all our resources to the advancement of mankind by applying those eternal truths which will inevitably persist long after we ourselves are utterly forgotten”.

The Tafawa Balewas are gone. But the eternal truths inevitably remain and persist that cooperation, friendship, justice, equity, love and fear of God which are hallmarks of the three religions practised in this country are the basis of our full and fulfilled lives and living as Nigerians. In faith as Nigerians, we must pray and relate with God as it depends on Him and at the same time, in faith also we must work as it depends on us. Then we will win.

May God continue to help us individually and collectively.

Yours ever,


January 1, 2023

Modupe Gbadeyanka is a fast-rising journalist with Business Post Nigeria. Her passion for journalism is amazing. She is willing to learn more with a view to becoming one of the best pen-pushers in Nigeria. Her role models are the duo of CNN's Richard Quest and Christiane Amanpour.


Budget Presentation: Rivers Assembly Adjourns Plenary Indefinitely



rivers assembly

By Modupe Gbadeyanka

The Rivers State House of Assembly has adjourned its legislative duties indefinitely, frustrating the re-presentation of the 2025 budget by Governor Siminalayi Fubara.

Recall that this week, precisely on Wednesday, Mr Fubara was at the makeshift premises of the parliament to present the 2025 Appropriation Bill to the Rivers Assembly as directed by the Supreme Court, but he was shut out.

He was not allowed to enter for the presentation of the budget. He, right there, informed journalists that he had earlier called the Speaker, Mr Martin Amaewhule, on the phone of his intention to be at the Assembly.

The next day, during a media chat, his predecessor, Mr Nyesom Wike, who is currently the Minister of FCT, lambasted his successor, saying he was trying to blackmail the state legislators.

At the plenary on Friday, the lawmakers, who are loyal to Mr Wike, agreed to indefinitely suspend sittings, a move that could make it impossible for the Governor to legitimately spend any government funds.

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Aliko Dangote Foundation to Share One Million Bags of Rice in 774 Local Councils



One Million Bags of Rice

By Aduragbemi Omiyale

No fewer than one million bags of rice weighing 10kg each will be distributed in the 774 local government areas of Nigeria by the Aliko Dangote Foundation.

The organisation made this disclosure on Thursday at the launch of the 2025 Annual National Food Intervention Project valued at N16 billion.

The distribution of the food item will begin in Kano State, and then to other states, the chairman of the foundation, Mr Aliko Dangote, disclosed.

“This annual initiative, which embodies compassion, solidarity, and shared responsibility, is part of our response to the current economic challenges facing our nation. It reflects our commitment to supporting our communities in line with our core values,” the businessman, who was represented by his daughter, Ms Marya Aliko Dangote, explained.

“We are collaborating with state governments to ensure that the food reaches the most vulnerable individuals in each state.

“Our foundation focuses on improving the living conditions of Nigerians through support for projects which tackle hunger and water supply problems, strengthen the quality and scope of health and education, and promote economic empowerment at the community level

“I believe that today’s event will help tackle hunger and help the most vulnerable people break their fast. We are playing our role in enhancing the living conditions of our people.

“I urge other industrialists and firms to lend a helping hand in combating hunger through programmes and initiatives that will place food on the tables of vulnerable Nigerians.

“This job should not be left to the government alone, rather we need a public-private partnership that will help us in fighting the scourge.

“I commend the government at all levels for efforts in addressing the food crisis. I am certain that with time, we shall overcome these challenges; therefore, let us support the government in achieving its target of a better life for Nigerians,” the richest man in Africa stated.

The Governor of Kano State, Mr Abba Yusuf, who flagged off the event, said the intervention reflects the unwavering commitment of Mr Dangote in addressing poverty and hunger in Nigeria.

Mr Yusuf, represented by his deputy, Mr Aminu Abdulsalam Gworzo, said 120,000 bags of 10kg rice would be distributed across the 44 Local Government Areas of the state, describing the industrialist as humane.

To ensure transparency in the distribution process, he said the state government has set up a committee comprising of relevant ministries, CSOs, religious leaders, departments and agencies, local authorities, the Hisbah Board and security agencies.

On her part, the chief executive of the Aliko Dangote Foundation, Ms Zouera Youssoufou, said the gesture was a way of giving back, and supporting governments in fighting poverty and hunger in Nigeria.

“We are going to other states to distribute the products, but we’ve just flagged off in Kano,” she told newsmen on the sideline of the Kano Government House, venue of the flag off,” she stated.

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Customs Seizes Over $1.1m From Female Passenger At Kano Airport



Nigeria Customs Service

By Adedapo Adesanya

Operatives of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) have intercepted $1,154,900 and SR135,900 undeclared foreign currency at the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA).

NCS spokesman, Mr Abdullahi Maiwada, disclosed this in a statement on Thursday, revealing that the seizure was made recently during a routine baggage check on an inbound passenger, Mrs Hauwa Ibrahim Abdullahi, who arrived on Saudi Airline Flight No. SV401 from Saudi Arabia.

According to Mr Maiwada, during the physical examination of the passenger’s luggage conducted by NCS Officers, the undeclared currency was discovered concealed within palm-date fruit packs locally referred to as Dabino.

He stated that the interception aligns with the NCS’s commitment to enforcing financial regulations and preventing illicit financial flows across Nigeria’s borders.

“In line with established procedures, the suspect and the seized foreign currency have been handed over to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for further investigation and necessary legal action,” the statement read.

“Subsequently, the court convicted the defendant as charged and ordered the forfeiture of the undeclared money to the Federal Government in line with the provisions of the Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act of 2022.

“The Service reiterates that all travellers must comply with Nigeria’s financial regulations, particularly the legal requirement to declare any cash or negotiable instruments exceeding the approved threshold when travelling in or out of the country. The Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act of 2022 and the Foreign Exchange (Monitoring and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1995, provide clear guidelines on currency declaration. Non-compliance with these regulations constitutes a violation of Nigerian law and attracts severe penalties. The Service, therefore, urges the public to adhere strictly to these requirements to avoid legal consequences.

“Under the leadership of the Comptroller-General of Customs, Bashir Adewale Adeniyi, the NCS remains resolute in its enforcement efforts to combat smuggling, illicit financial transactions, and other trans-border crimes.

“This latest seizure highlights the Service’s unwavering dedication to protecting the nation’s economic interests and ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

“The NCS will continue to collaborate with relevant government agencies and stakeholders to strengthen border security, enhance compliance with financial laws, and safeguard Nigeria’s economy.

“Travellers and stakeholders in the financial sector are advised to remain vigilant and always adhere to lawful financial practices,” he added.

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