Hoodlums Attack Ipaja Police Station in Lagos

May 27, 2024
Ipaja Police Station

By Dipo Olowookere

Some hoodlums on Monday morning attacked the Ipaja Police Station in Lagos, disrupting business activities in the area.

It was gathered that the thugs, mainly commercial motorcycle riders popularly known as okada riders, were kicking against extortions allegedly by men of the Nigeria Police Force.

A tricycle rider, who spoke with Business Post on the condition of anonymity this morning, explained that security operatives, especially the task force, have been frustrating commercial vehicle operators within Ipaja and Ayobo.

A power-generating set repairer, who uses his motorcycle for his work, said Lagos State Taskforce officials have made life unbearable for riders in Alimosho local government.

“I have stopped going around with my motorcycle for work because of the police. I bailed my okada with N50,000 after several pleas when it was impounded.

“They even threatened to take the bike to Alausa (Lagos State Secretariat) if I did not pay the N50,000 bribe. I was left with no choice but to quickly pay the money. Of course, I had to make calls to get the money from friends and family members,” the artisan, who gave his name as Mr Mutiu, told this newspaper.

“The task force has made the Ipaja-Ayobo axis a dangerous place to ride motorcycles,” he further claimed.

A visit to the area on Monday indicated apprehension among residents of the area as some persons seen wearing police jackets were wielding dangerous weapons like machetes and bottles controlling traffic around the Atan Nla axis on the Ipaja-Ayobo road.

This reporter saw a white Toyota Camry 2008 model car allegedly vandalised by security officials, with the windscreen and hind screen destroyed. The attempt by the driver of the car to drive into the police station, probably to report the matter officially, was blocked by stern-looking policemen at the entrance of the station, who ordered him to park his vehicle outside.

One of the policemen wielding a machete told him, “When we told you to turn back (reverse), you thought we were playing.” Oga, move your car away from there because you are obstructing the way.”

Dipo Olowookere

Dipo Olowookere is a journalist based in Nigeria that has passion for reporting business news stories. At his leisure time, he watches football and supports 3SC of Ibadan.

Mr Olowookere can be reached via [email protected]

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