By Kestér Kenn Klomegâh The Group of 20 (G20) is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 sovereign countries, the European Union (EU), and the African Union (AU)....
By Kestér Kenn Klomegâh The Group of 20 (G20) is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 sovereign countries, the European Union (EU), and the African Union (AU)....
By Kestér Kenn Klomegâh The 17th Toronto Global Forum was held under the theme Fostering Economic Resilience from October 11-13, 2023, in Toronto Canada. According to...
By Lefentse Nokaneng The Johannesburg summit declaration proposes a number of additional cutting-edge measures for strengthening relations between BRICS and Africa. The special invitation extended by...