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Not Crowd But Decision To Vote Wisely



vote wisely

By Jerome-Mario Mario Utomi

As the nation Nigeria braces for the forthcoming February 25 and March 11 general elections, each time I look at the sea of heads that flood every political campaign and rallies put together by public office seekers at both state and federal levels, it reminds me of an event that happened back in the days. Though used in part a while ago in a similar intervention, I, however, believe that such an account has become even more relevant in the present threshold of our nation.

The referenced event was recorded one Sunday morning during the celebration of the holy mass in one of the Catholic churches in Delta State (please don’t ask me about the town).

For a better understanding of the piece, Holy Mass is the Catholic order of worship. One of the major high points of the mass is called the prayer of the faithful. This is when carefully and well-rehearsed lay faithful, usually about five in number, are invited before the altar to pray for different intentions on behalf of the entire people attending worship.

On this particular day, a man, who we later discovered to be a non-Catholic, emerged from the rest of us. He was neither selected nor part of those that rehearsed for the above function but, without recourse, made his way to the altar with a supersonic speed and assumed the first position.

Though strange as it were, the churchwarden was left with no other option than to allow him in order not to create a scene and just very slowly, the altar boy handed over the microphone to him for ‘his’ prayer of the faithful. And the man prayed, ‘father in heaven, in my effort to solve my legion of problems, I have but against my will visited “Babalawo, Dibia, as well as Ifa priests, all to no avail and I have decided to come back to you’. The rest of that episode, called prayer of the faithful, could best be imagined than seen as the entire congregation burst into uncontrolled laughter.

Even though the above took place some decades ago, it instructively represents what is playing out in today’s political topography called Nigeria. While the man in the church represents you and me, the church or the town represents our nation Nigeria.

Also, while the man was forced into visiting the places, he mentioned above by circumstance, the same way we as a people were forced into a cosmetic marriage called amalgamation in 1914 by our then colonial imperialists. And right from that moment, things have never been the same as the centre cannot hold.

But unlike the man in the church, we as a people, made up of different tribes, have for a long time bore pockets of reservations and misgivings against each other. But lacking in courage to voice out or express it, as demonstrated by this man.

These ‘national’ misgivings against one another had lingered since the nation’s independence in October 1960 and have been with us until recently when people started breaking their long-enjoyed silence. From all indications, that pregnancy we have been carrying as a nation has completed its gestation, hence, the rumbles occasioned by ‘labour’.

Regrettably, as it is interesting, the above situation calls for candid self-introspection and interrogation to summon the moral authority and legitimacy to challenge and possibly correct this asymmetrical and artificial way of living as a nation.

Call it restructuring or sovereign national conference, constitutional amendment or an outright rewriting of the constitution. One thing is crystal clear and that is the fact that the foundation of our nationhood is faulty, and all the amalgams have very visibly advertised their mutual suspicion or outright grudge against the other.

Laughable as it appears, the man in the church represents us in all areas but one, and that is our not being courageous. It is also instructive at this juncture for us to remind ourselves that ‘courage faces fear and masters it while cowardice represses fear and is thereby mastered by it.

Courageous men never lose their zest for living even though their life situation is restless, but cowardly men, overwhelmed by the uncertainties of life, lose the will to live.

I hope and pray that the man from the sleepy town will not be laughing at us just the way we did to him the day he demonstrated the man in him and declared his willingness to exit “the Paris Club of Bondage.”

Some of the reader’s minds will gravitate towards prayer, either seven days or one-month fasting and prayer just because I painted a picture of a challenge or problem. Let the truth be told, the problem bedevilling our nation calls for more action garnished with courage than prayer.

It calls for the speaking of undiluted truth, and it calls for a disciplined shift of mentality from feeling optimistic to becoming self-confident. Their difference could be spotted in their modus operandi as well as their end result. In optimism, we hope for the best but lack the courage to fight on, while in self-confidence, one prepares for the worst but summons that unalloyed willingness to fight.

This is the missing link. We have deliberately allowed the leadership value-addition role to elude us by failing to hold our leaders accountable, even in the face of misrule.

We punctuate their incivility and actions with our local palace ‘e go beta’ we forget completely as a people that ‘development is stimulated by asking why and how’. Truly, we have, through our actions and inactions, authenticated the saying that ‘the problem with us is that we are the problem.’

We are well aware of the counterpart relationship that exists between our leaders and us but has lost the moral force to implement it. Even as they are regrouping for the 2023 electioneering onslaught, we are feeling unconcerned. We have proved without measure that we lack strategy, and as a result, we are neither forward-looking nor able to figure out what comes next. This, I must say, is pathetic.

The ‘man in the church’ summoned the courage to confess his past escapades, we as a people should equally and very urgently summon the moral and political will to demand good and result-oriented governance.

Let’s make no mistake about it, this journey demands a struggle, a conscientious industry for us to achieve this anticipated good governance and symmetrical coexistence from our leaders. But the good news is that we can.

Yes, that is the interesting part of this conversation. It is my conviction that we have the capacity to enthrone a nation where we can coexist harmoniously, irrespective of tribal inclinations. I am full of hope that together, we can establish the egalitarian society that we have been deprived of.

But for us to achieve this as a nation, we must team up and fight our common enemy called bad leadership and its proponent. Let us also fight the deconstructionists masquerading as leaders by making sure that come 2023, we shall collectively reject the mentality of instant gratification by rejecting all the alluring inducements of our undemocratic and selfish politicians and go ahead to electing credible people as our leaders.

Let us, like ‘the man in the church,’ realize that waiting to be recognized by our leaders will translate to waiting till eternity. It is my opinion that we draw and apply the lessons learnt from ‘the man in the church’. Let his courage spur us to action so that we shall file out not for ‘prayer of the faithful’ but to ask our leaders questions and drive our corrupt leaders away from our political geography using legitimate and democratic means.

Achieving the above objective will not be anchored on gathering at campaign rallies, but it would require citizens to vote wisely in the forthcoming general election in the country.

Thus, as we work tirelessly, and hope faithfully for a great nation where peace, unity and justice shall reign, let us not just pray like ‘the man above’ but rather let us look up to God our maker and talk to him through our positive actions and join our faith with that of James Weldon Johnson, to say ‘Oh God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou hast brought us far on the way; Thou who by the might lead us into the light.

Keep us forever, in part, we pray. Lest our feet stray away from places, our God where we meet thee, lest our heart is drunk with the wine of the world, and we forget thee; Shadowed beneath thy hand, may we forever stand true to our God, true to our native land’.

To this, I say a very big amen.

God bless Nigeria!!

Jerome-Mario Utomi is the Programme Coordinator (Media and Policy) at Social and Economic Justice Advocacy (SEJA), Lagos. He can be reached via

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How AI is Revolutionizing Sales and Business Development for Future Growth



Olubunmi aina

By Olubunmi Aina

Many experts have highlighted the growing impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across the financial industry, and I would like to share my perspective on a key functional area that typically drives business growth and profitability— sales and business development professionals and how AI is impacting their work.

Sales and business development professionals are often regarded as the engine room of an organization, thanks to their eye for business opportunities, ideation and conceptualization, market engagement and penetration expertise.

AI is enabling sales and business development professionals to automate tasks, take meeting notes, analyze data, and personalize customer experiences, all of which are embedded within CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. A CRM with an AI tool is what forward-thinking businesses are leveraging to manage leads, customer data, customer interactions, notify and remind professionals to take action when due, drive growth and profitability.

This is why it is crucial for these professionals to invest heavily in AI knowledge to remain globally competitive. This can be achieved through self-study, attending industry events, or consulting with leading technology companies that have embraced AI, such as Interswitch Group, AI In Nigeria, and Revwit.

Most importantly, to maximize the potential of AI, sales and business development professionals must pay close attention to customer interactions. and ensure they collect high-quality data. Feeding the data repository or CRM Systems with valuable insights and data from real customer engagement is key to getting AI to produce near accurate insight for effective results.

AI will continue to be a key driver of business growth and decision-making in the years ahead. If you are yet to embrace it, now is the time. Keep learning!

Olubunmi Aina is the Vice President, Sales and Account Management at  Interswitch Group

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Mother’s Day: Bridging Dreams and Burdens With Global Marketplace Success



Motherhood in Nigeria is a dynamic force fueled by strength, resilience, and unwavering love. As Mother’s Day approaches, we celebrate the women who carry the weight of their families and communities, often while nurturing their dreams. From bustling market traders to ambitious entrepreneurs, Nigerian mothers are a force to be reckoned with.

However, the reality is that balancing these roles can be incredibly challenging. The daily hustle, coupled with the rising cost of living, often leaves little time or resources for personal aspirations. This is where the digital marketplace and platforms like Temu are beginning to play a significant role, not just in Nigeria but globally.

For Stephanie, a Nigerian hair and beauty influencer navigating the demands of work and motherhood, the ease of online shopping became invaluable. She discovered that purchasing baby necessities, like baby high chairs from Temu, from the comfort of her home significantly simplified her life, granting her more time to dedicate to her family and professional pursuits.

Beyond convenience, digital platforms are also fueling entrepreneurial success for women. Caterina Tarantola, a mother of three, achieved the remarkable feat of opening her translation and interpretation office in just 15 days. Her secret weapon was also Temu. Initially skeptical of online shopping, she found it to be a personal advisor, providing everything from office furniture to decor, delivered swiftly and affordably. This kind of direct access is precisely what can empower many Nigerian mothers who strive to maximise their resources and time.

Similarly, Lourdes Betancourt, who left Venezuela to start a new life in Berlin, turned to Temu when launching her hair salon. By sourcing essential supplies directly from manufacturers, she avoided costly markups and secured the tools she needed to turn her vision into reality.

Since Temu entered the Nigerian market last November, more Nigerian mothers have embraced the platform to access quality, affordable products. By shopping online instead of spending hours at physical markets, they can reclaim valuable time for their businesses, families, and personal growth.

This shift reflects a global trend as consumers worldwide seek convenience and affordability. In response, Temu has rapidly grown into one of the most visited e-commerce sites and was recognized as a top Apple-recommended app of 2024.


The digital marketplace, while still developing in a place like Nigeria, presents a significant opportunity for empowerment. The progress made thus far highlights the tremendous potential for positive impact.

This Mother’s Day, we celebrate Nigerian mothers’ strength and adaptability. Like Stephanie, Caterina, and Lourdes, they are turning challenges into opportunities—building brighter futures for themselves and their families with the support of innovative online platforms like Temu.

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Sacred Journeys, Earthly Burdens: The Cost of Nigeria’s Pilgrimage Economy



Nigeria’s Pilgrimage Economy

By Prince Charles Dickson PhD

The desert does not care for your prayers. It swallows them whole, along with your sweat, doubts, and wallet weight. Yet here we were—Nigerians in Jordan, then Israel, tracing paths carved by prophets and kings, stepping on stones smoothed by millennia of footsteps. From the Dead Sea’s buoyant bitterness to Bethlehem’s star-marked grottoes, the land thrums with sacred electricity. But as she walked, she couldn’t shake the question: What does this cost us? Not just in naira, but in soul.

You remember the chaos—Abuja’s airport buzzing with first-time pilgrims clutching rosaries and Qurans, tour guides shouting over the din, warnings about “japa temptations” mingling with sermons. For many, this was a once-in-a-lifetime escape: from potholed streets, blackouts, and the gnawing uncertainty of survival back home. Yet even here, in the shadow of Herod’s stones and Galilee’s shores, Nigeria followed us. The tour operators in Jordan haggled like Lagos market women; Israeli border guards scrutinized our green passports with weary suspicion. And beneath it all, the Gaza war hummed like a discordant hymn, a reminder that holiness and human conflict are ancient bedfellows.

Let’s talk numbers; if a single pilgrimage package costs roughly N3.5 to N5 million per person, multiply that by thousands of pilgrims annually, and Nigeria bleeds billions into foreign economies.

In Jordan, our guides grinned as they narrated Petra’s history, their pockets fattened by dollars. In Israel, the pilgrimage industry is a well-oiled machine: hotels near Nazareth charge premium rates, Dead Sea mud is packaged and sold as divine therapy, and even the Via Dolorosa has a gift shop. Meanwhile, back home, nurses strike over unpaid wages and students scratch equations into dust-choked chalkboards.

The Catholic Bishops’ recent call cuts like a knife: “Stop funding pilgrimages. Let faith pay its way.” Their logic is mercilessly practical: why should a nation drowning in debt—where 63% of citizens survive on less than $2 a day—subsidize spiritual tourism for a privileged few? The National Hajj Commission (NAHCON) and Christian Pilgrims’ Board, riddled with corruption scandals, stand as monuments to mismanagement.

Remember the 2017 scandal where officials embezzled ₦90 million meant for pilgrims’ visas? Or the 2022 Hajj airlift fiasco that stranded thousands? These boards, the bishops argue, “serve neither their adherents nor the nation.”

Yet, the allure persists. For many pilgrims, government sponsorship isn’t just a subsidy—it’s a lifeline. “I saved for ten years,” a retired teacher from Enugu told me, her eyes glistening at the Jordan River. “Without the board’s help, I’d never see Jerusalem.” Herein lies the paradox: pilgrimage is both a spiritual awakening and a symptom of systemic failure. When the state funds faith, it commodifies it—and when it withdraws, it risks severing the vulnerable from their solace.

Ah, the pilgrims themselves! Nigerians are nothing if not theatrical. There were the “Captains”—self-appointed prayer warriors who bossed others around like generals in God’s army. The Comedians, crack jokes at Caiaphas’ dungeon to ease the tension. The Holier-Than-Thous, who tsk-tsked at women’s uncovered hair while surreptitiously snapping selfies at Golgotha and the quiet ones, like the widow from Sokoto who touched the Western Wall and wept without sound.

But spirituality here is tangled with spectacle. At the Dead Sea, I watched a pastor bottle the salty water, declaring it “a weapon against household witches.” In Bethlehem, traders hawked olive-wood crosses next to “I Error! Filename not specified. Jesus” t-shirts. Is this awakening? Or is it the monetization of longing?

The bishops’ critique is not just fiscal—it’s theological. “True faith,” their statement insists, “is not measured in miles travelled but in mercy shown.” They urge a reckoning: if Nigeria redirected pilgrimage funds to healthcare, education, or infrastructure, could that itself be a sacred act? Imagine N30 billion—the approximate annual cost of state-sponsored pilgrimages—channeled into neonatal clinics or rural electrification. Would that not honor the “least of these” whom Christ called us to serve?

But the counterargument simmers: pilgrimages foster unity, they say. On that flight to Tel Aviv, I saw Muslims and Christians swap snacks and stories. A Hausa imam helped a Yoruba grandmother fasten her seatbelt. For a moment, Nigeria felt possible again. Yet this fragile camaraderie exists in a bubble—one paid for by a state that can’t fix its roads.

You asked me, “Can’t we have both—pilgrimages and progress?”* Perhaps. But not under this broken model. Here’s the radical alternative:

Decouple State and Sanctuary: Let religious groups self-organize pilgrimages, as the bishops propose. If a church or mosque can rally its flock to fund journeys, so be it—but without dipping into public coffers.

Audit the Sacred: Demand transparency from pilgrimage boards. Publish budgets, punish graft, and let pilgrims know exactly where their money goes.

Reinvest in the Here and Now: Redirect saved funds to tangible ministries—hospitals, schools, food banks—that embody “love thy neighbour” more vividly than any tour group.

On our last night in Jerusalem, I sat with a group under the stars. Nima from Plateau said quietly, “I came to feel closer to God. But I felt Him more when that waiter in Amman refilled my water…”. I urged her to tell the story—

It was the unlikeliest of sanctuaries—a crowded restaurant, humming with the chaos of clattering plates and overlapping voices. Amid the rush, a young waiter moved with a grace that transcended duty. His smile was not merely professional; it was an offering. In a world where transactions often eclipse connection, he chose to see me. I asked for three small things: hot water to refill my flask, a bowl of midnight-dark yogurt, and sugar to sweeten it—simple requests, yet specific, requiring attention in a sea of demands. He could have sighed, rolled his eyes, or deferred to the crowd. Instead, he leaned in.

His “of course” was a quiet rebellion against indifference.

The steaming flask returned, cradled like something sacred. The yogurt arrived, its darkness cradled in a bowl that gleamed like polished obsidian. The sugar, poured with care, became more than a condiment—it was a covenant.

At that moment, the noise faded. Here was a stranger who had every reason to rush, yet chose to pause. Here was proof that kindness is not a grand gesture reserved for saints, but a series of deliberate, ordinary acts: I will listen. I will try. You matter.

How much lighter the weight of our differences would be if we all carried this truth: that every interaction is a crossroads. We can choose to armour ourselves in a hurry, or we can meet one another as this young man did—with eyes that recognize a shared humanity. The systems we’ve built—borders, hierarchies, ideologies—are illusions compared to the raw, aching need we all harbor: to be treated gently, to be acknowledged.

As I stirred the sugar into the yogurt, dissolving bitterness into sweetness, I thought of all the ways we hunger. For warmth. For dignity. For the courage to ask for what we need, and the grace to honor those who ask. The world will not slow down. But in its frenzy, we can be oases for one another—pouring hot water into empty vessels, handing over sugar like a promise.

This is how we mend the fractures: not with grand declarations, but with the daily sacrament of paying attention. The waiter’s name is lost to me now, but his lesson lingers: in a universe that often feels cold and vast, we hold the power to make it intimate, one act of deliberate kindness at a time.

What if we all moved through life as he did—not merely serving, but seeing?

There it is—the heart of the matter. Spirituality isn’t stamped in a passport; it’s woven into daily acts of attention, kindness, and justice. Nigeria’s pilgrimage industry, for all its grandeur, risks reducing faith to a transactional spectacle. The bishops aren’t arguing against devotion—they’re pleading for a redefinition of what’s holy.

The desert still whispers. But maybe the miracle we need isn’t in Jordan’s rivers or Jerusalem’s tombs. Maybe it’s in the courage to stay home—to build a nation where the sacred isn’t a luxury, but a lived reality. May Nigeria win!

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