Lagos Leather Fair to Reward Stakeholders at Awards Ceremony

June 28, 2024
Lagos Leather Fair awards ceremony

By Aduragbemi Omiyale

The organisers of the prestigious Lagos Leather Fair (LLF) have announced that this year’s event will have a ceremony to celebrate excellence and innovation in the leather industry.

In a statement issued on Friday, it was disclosed that the awards ceremony will have different categories, including LLF Most Innovative Designer Award, LLF Trailblazer Award, LLF Brand Excellence Award, LLF Best Booth Design, LLF Best Curated Instagram Page, and LLF Best New Brand Award, designed for the most promising and innovative new brand at the fair.

The 2024 LLF, in its seventh edition, is scheduled for June 29 and 30 at the Balmoral Convention Centre, Lagos, with the awards ceremony taking place on Sunday, June 30 at 6:30 pm.

In addition to the awards, the fair will feature masterclasses, runway shows, pitch sessions and workshops, providing an exciting platform for learning, networking, and growth, a part of the statement made available to Business Post said.

LLF is a platform dedicated to showcasing leather designers and the immense potential of the leather industry in Nigeria and Africa.

This year’s theme is Levelling Up and is aimed at elevating the leather ecosystem, improving supply chain efficiency, and expanding market reach.

It reflects the industry’s commitment to enhancing product quality, design innovation, and sustainability, positioning African leather businesses to compete globally.

For six years, the programme has significantly influenced the Nigerian leather industry, impacting both local and global markets.

Aduragbemi Omiyale

Aduragbemi Omiyale is a journalist with Business Post Nigeria, who has passion for news writing. In her leisure time, she loves to read.

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