Rajesh Chandiramani to Lead Comviva’s Next Growth Phase as CEO

June 3, 2024
Rajesh Chandiramani
Rajesh Chandiramani, Comviva CEO

By Modupe Gbadeyanka

A global leader in customer experience and data monetisation solutions, Comviva, now has a new chief executive to lead it to the next phase of growth and he is Mr Rajesh Chandiramani.

Mr Chandiramani took over from Mr Manoranjan ‘Mao’ Mohapatra, who retired from the position on May 31, 2024, but to remain on the board as a non-executive director.

The new CEO is bringing with him an impressive track record of over three decades, marked by his leadership in spearheading businesses and initiatives across a spectrum of organizations.

“Rajesh’s appointment as CEO marks a strategic transition for Comviva, reflecting our commitment to sustained growth and innovation. With his extensive experience and visionary leadership, we are confident in his ability to steer Comviva towards new heights.

“Under his guidance, we look forward to further strengthening our position as a global leader in customer experience and data monetization solutions, delivering unparalleled value to our clients and stakeholders,” the chairman of Comviva, Mr Atul Soneja, commented.

“I am extremely thrilled to assume this leadership responsibility at Comviva. We are living in an exciting digital era marked by unprecedented growth and opportunities.

“I am looking forward to driving impactful change and harnessing the power of digital platforms and technology to elevate Comviva to extraordinary heights.

“Our mission is clear, to deliver unmatched value and pioneer a new phase of digital excellence for our clients and stakeholders.

“I deeply appreciate the Comviva board for entrusting me with this opportunity to lead such a dynamic company,” the appointee said of his appointment.

Before joining Comviva, he held senior leadership roles at Tech Mahindra, where he served as the Business Unit Head for strategic markets spanning the UK, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, Japan, and India within the Communications, Media & Entertainment (CME) Vertical.

His leadership extended to steering the Global Digital Business, where he oversaw transformative initiatives in Cloud, Data and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity, and Blockchain technologies for Tech Mahindra.

His strategic acumen also propelled growth as he led the Strategic Business Unit of APAC Enterprise business, driving significant expansion across various verticals.

Notably, his five-year tenure as the head of the Europe business for Tech Mahindra played a transformative role in enhancing enterprise and telecom businesses across European countries, solidifying his reputation as a visionary leader.

Modupe Gbadeyanka

Modupe Gbadeyanka is a fast-rising journalist with Business Post Nigeria. Her passion for journalism is amazing. She is willing to learn more with a view to becoming one of the best pen-pushers in Nigeria. Her role models are the duo of CNN's Richard Quest and Christiane Amanpour.

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